Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Goodbye twenties

I’m turning 30 tomorrow, waving my twenties goodbye with a smile.

Top Ten Highlights of my twenties:

Age 20: Lived in an un-insulated shack of a house and became engaged to Matt.
Age 21: Married my high school sweetheart and was told we were too young.

Age 22: Started working on my bachelor’s degree and alopecia struck again.
Age 23: Lived in a lakeside cabin and spent time working, swimming, fishing, and volunteering as a support services member with a local fire department 
Newspaper scan; photo taken while visiting the station's Santa Night after Nathaniel's birth

Matt with his cadets
Age 24: Graduated from the University of Washington and obtained my first “real” job post-college with World Vision, purchased our first home, and got a dog (or two).
Matt with our first dog, Zieto
Our first home

 Age 25: Touched down onto four continents in less than six months traveling to Niger and Peru.

Age 26: Traveled to Trujillo, Peru for a second time.

Age 27: Went skydiving, was laid off for nearly six months, and developed a passion for gardening. 
Watching my mom jump out of the plane before me
Pears growing on our tree

Age 28: Our first son, Nathaniel, was born and I quit working full-time job to accept contract work.

Age 29: Went on a Caribbean cruise, became pregnant, and gave birth to our second son, Noah.
Matt and I in the Bahamas
Our little Noah

Bring on the next decade!

1 comment:

  1. Woman... you were one busy bee during your 20's. Wow!! Hopefully you'll rest a bit during your 30's (knowing you, you're probably thinking "Rest? I don't know that verb!"). If your 30's are as interesting as your 20's, the ride will be fantastic. Hopefully the next decade will be a little less trying and as fulfilling as the last one.
    Cheers to 30, dear friend!
